Home / Bereavement Ministry


“Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)

“For, if we believe that Jesus died and rose, so too will God, through Jesus, bring with Him those who have fallen asleep.” (1 Thess. 4:14)

Bereavement Ministry Mission Statement

Because we believe in the Resurrection of Jesus, the Bereavement Ministry of Presentation BVM Church seeks to provide spiritual compassionate care, support and understanding to grieving families.

The Bereavement Ministry of Presentation BVM Parish is a lay ministry under the authority of our pastor, Fr. William Harrison. This ministry began in the late spring of 2004 when the bereavement team ministers were commissioned by the pastor at Sunday liturgy. Since that moment, God has blessed the work of extending His love and presence to bereaved families in the parish in a beautiful way.

The Bereavement Ministry team seeks to bring God’s love and strength to those who have lost a loved one. At a time when grieving families are most vulnerable, great care is taken to foster healing for broken hearts and to bring hope.

Like Jesus, as He walked the roads of Galilee, the members of the Bereavement Ministry want to reach out in love and compassion for a grieving family, assisting in whatever way they can: visiting families before and after the funeral, helping to arrange for the funeral Liturgy and participating at the funeral Liturgy with family and friends, and offering Parish Activities and resources for each family situation.

For Parish Activities about the Bereavement Ministry, our service of consolation, please contact:

Annette Foley, Coordinator
e-mail: shamrockaf1@verizon.net